Friday, December 12, 2014

Brand New Blog and What It's All About

As you have probably noticed I'm Debbie, a 25 year old living in New Mexico. I decided in early November that I had the idea for the blog. I was looking at the woefully small amount of books I had read in the year and decided that I needed to start reading more. I thought that if I took the amount of books on my to read shelf on good reads account and decided that would be my target amount of books. Right now that is a total of 90 books. I have until the end of 2014 to add more books to the to read account. Now there are some rules for myself:
  1.  I'm not allowed to count any children's picture books against my grand total of read books.
  2. I must write up a review of the book and post it to my blog after I have finished the book.
  3. I am allowed to not finish a book if I just don't like it or can't get into it. I must still write a review of it but it will not count against my amount of books read.
  4. I'm not allowed to count any books I have read in 2014 at all only the current year books may count against the total.
I will also post about recipes I have enjoyed random things about living in New Mexico and things about TV shows I watch or games I play. So hopefully I will be able to reach my goal for reading in 2015.

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